Friday, January 11, 2008

Successful Surgery

Lana's surgery went well, and we're home from the hospital (finally). It took longer than expected and we stayed until they were sure Lana wasn't dehydrated or nauseous. Channing is sleeping on the floor next to Lana's crib as I post.

Dr. Joly, the surgeon, said that her eye was the largest he has even seen, even in adult patients. He was pleased with the results and let us know that everyone in the operating room was so happy as to how her eye looked after the procedure was done. We can't wait to see ourselves (bandages come off in 3 days).

Listen, I have to say that we are humbled at all of the thoughts and especially the prayers that were said on Lana's behalf. Your spiritial strength is overwhelming and we appreciate this more that you will ever know. Thank you.

More details later...


Mala said...

Please give her a big hug and kiss from us! So glad the surgery went well.

Hilary Marquis said...

Praise God! I can't wait to see her :) Make sure Channing gets some rest.

Mom to 2 Angels said...

So glad to hear the surgery went well. Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

We're glad to hear that things went well. Hope you all get a chance to catch up on your rest.

Steve and Lisa

iZach said...

what a relief! xox Anne Brandon and Zach