Here we are on our way to church on Easter Sunday as a family of five.
Lana gives Luba (who she calls Bubba) a hug as she heads out to the prom.

A wonderful day at the Botanical Gardens with Lana and Quint enjoying the new World of Wonders exhibit.
As you can see, we are enjoying every moment with Lana. She has adjusted so well it's hard to believe she's only been with us since December.
Life is very hectic right now with Luba finishing up her senior year. This past week she presented her senior project. It included a scrapbook she made for Lana about her adoption and information on her very successful car wash for Diapers for Tokmok. She did a great job, and she's glad to have the presentation behind her. Saturday she had her final Russian exam and this week she decides on a college.
Quint is on the crew team. Lana is enjoying all the attention she gets from the big kids at the Saturday regattas as she cheers for her brother.

Chris and I are struggling to keep up with the hectic pace (thus the extended time between posts, sorry), but loving every minute of it. If it weren't for the help of my mom, our wonderful sitter, helpful and understanding coworkers, kind friends and great kids, we wouldn't be able to make it work. These past two months have been a lesson in prioritizing for me. They have also forced me to let go of many things that I used to worry about, like a clean house and ironed clothes. Our cat, Woody, is particularly pleased with our new, too busy to sweat the small stuff, attitudes. He used to be an indoor cat, longing for the outdoors. Now we don't have the time or energy to keep him from bolting out the door each time it opens. Not only is he happier, he's lost quite a bit of weight.
Chris asked me last week if there was such thing as an adoption vasectomy. We decided that cutting up all our credit cards would probably be the closest thing to it. But we better keep them open, Luba is heading to college. And you never know what life has in store (just kidding mom).